Monday, September 20, 2010

Football Game, Family

So this last weekend I spent the day with the family-units watching a football-based sporting event at my brother's college. As is traditional for such events, this required Alex to get dolled up like a Scotsman, kilt and all, and parade about the field. Oh, and there were some guys in helmets smashing into each other.

Nick came with me as he had never see a football game live before, and what with Scott couch surfing across Europe, there wouldn't have been much to do if he stayed at home.

I got to visit with my mum's mum and her beau Bill, and Nick and I had opportunity to play around with our newest tech acquisition: a Nikon D40 DSLR. As you can see from the photos, it produces truly amazing images. Wow. Such a step up from the point and shoot cameras I was using before!

So, here are the photos I kept (I'm being absolutely scrooge-like and only keeping 1 or 2 good shots of any given thing/person to avoid photo clutter), note that these have been pretty heavily compressed and reduced in size:

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Costa Rica House

I'm not sure if I've told everyone, but Nick, Scott, and I are planning to spend part of our winter abroad in the much sunnier Costa Rica. We are all three rather tired of Northern Ohio winters with their gun metal gray trees, and gun metal gray skies, and gun metal gray buildings, and ... strangely colorful tourist videos.

Now is the time for us to escape, and we have secured our house. We will be in the country from late January through early April, and we would welcome you if you came to visit. Just remember that we will still be working, so we have to pull fairly normal schedules during the weeks.

I plan on learning some surfing while down there as the house is in Uvita, on the southwestern Pacific side of the country. Anyways, here are das photos for your viewing pleasure:

The place has 3 bedrooms and is about 10 minutes walk from the Ocean and 20 minutes walk from town. We're told we will have cellular internet, although apparently the internet just goes off to the entire country from time to time.

It's supposed to be in the mid eighties during the dry season (when we will be there) and the bugs are *supposed* to not be a problem. We'll see about that though. It's tropical, so I imagine the bugs will be a nominal problem no matter what, and there's definitely mosquito netting over top of the beds.