Back at the beginning of December, Nick and I were sitting around the Skritter office one evening. He and his girlfriend were using this website Healthmonthly together, and Nick was picking his goals for the next 30 days. After a while, he decided that he was going to go whole hog and created a mega-list of self improvement activities for himself. It read like this:
Read a book for at least 20 minutes 3 days a week.
Walk at least 2 miles a week.
Only eat fried food 1 day a week.
Only eat white flour 2 days a week.
Meditate for 5 minutes at least 6 days a week.
Study Spanish every day.
Go to bed before 11:30pm at least 6 days a week.
Only read hacker news 1 day a week.
Study Chinese every day.
Write 3 pages in a private journal every day.
Exercise for 30 minutes at least 3 days a week.
Only eat white rice 1 day a week.
Only eat pasta 2 days a week.
Get enough Vitamin D every day.
Only eat processed food 1 day a week.
Eat raw nuts, legumes, beans, and seeds every day.
Take a multivitamin every day.
Eat greens every day.
Eat raw fruit every day.
Well, he read it to me and I promptly called bullshit. I mean, look at all that! No way could he maintain all of those goals, especially over Christmas holiday. He said he could do it though and so a bet emerged. The hows and whys of the prizes won't be discussed, but it worked out like this: if he won and completed all the goals for all thirty days without a single exception, I had to compete in a cupcake eating competition with him. If he lost, however, he had to drive up to the candy warehouse up in Cleveland buy me $40 worth of candy.
As the title suggests, he won this bet. Improbably. And so it came to be that I was implicated in the most intense eating challenge I have yet faced. Thinking ahead, Nick sensibly positioned our DSLR on the theater of operations and the following photos were created:
The initial spread. All 6 dozen of the suckers. |
Scott has eaten 10 cupcakes and puts on the face to prove it. |
Nick hits #10 without slowing. |
Scott thinks my nausea is hilarious. |
Nick puts on his attractive face for #15. |
Scott glories in his fifteenth calorie cake. |
I hit critical nausea levels at 15. Nick is unimpressed. |
For those of you that don't know Chinese, that's Nick's 20th. |
Scott finishes 2nd with 17 cakes. He hides his face in shame behind the guy fawkes mask. |
Nick stuff down #25. Good god. |
With Scott and I out, Nick just keeps binging. Here he contemplates his incipient fat rolls with #25. |
He has suffered dearly, but his efforts yield #30. |
Having long since started storing the partially digested cupcakes in his lungs, we see Nick here considering sepuku to end the nausea and shame of his accomplishment: #35. |
A stunning success for Nick: 36 cupcakes, 5700 calories, and 36 hours of discomfort are all yours! |
I guess we learned a valuable lesson that day: don't challenge Nick to an eating competition.