Nothing terribly interesting has happened as late (hence the lack of updates), but the Christmas season and accompanying travel should provide ample experience to cover here.
A quick rundown of what's been up:
1) I continue to work
2) Ohio has been unseasonably cold for this time of year. Scott and Nick are reveling in it. I am freezing my arse off.
3) My parents, brother and I have cemented plans for a downhill ski trip to happen during January.
4) We have our tickets to Costa Rica, and are planning on leaving from New York (tickets are way cheaper from New York for some reason) on the cheapest airline ever conceived by businessmen to San Jose on the 23rd of January.
5) My sweet speakers died about a week back, which is a huge bummer as they had awesome sound quality and cost quite a bit ($150). I have found a replacement, but they're super pricey ($330!) so I gotta wait to replace them.
6) Nick's brother stopped by today and we chatted about (among other things) his friend's 700hp Subaru Impreza WRX STI and how to avoid breaking transmissions.
7) Scott, Nick and I have been playing Minecraft rather obsessively. It's probably not good for us, but I almost can't control it at this point. What makes it so darn appealing? Variable interval, variable rewards. We humans are total addicts for it!
That's it for now, will update again after the holiday madness has died down. Hopefully with pictures!